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  3. [Rental Bicycles] Hime-chari
Transportation Information

[Rental Bicycles] Hime-chari

[Rental Bicycles] Hime-chari

Himechari is a bike rental service. You can rent a bike from any cycle dock at Himeji Station or around Himeji Castle, and return it to any convenient dock. Electric bikes can be used with the dedicated app.

[Usage time] until 23:59 on rental day

[Cost] ¥1,650 per person per day

[Ticket sales]
①JTB Himeji Miyuku-dori office
Hours: 10:30-18:30; closed Tuesdays and 12/30 – 1/3
* Please show your passport when purchasing tickets

②Hotel Nikko Himeji
Hours: 00:00-24:00; Open all year-round

➂Hotel Monterey Himeji
Hours: 00:00-24:00; Open all year-round

[Payment] Cash or credit card

[Contact] 0570-783-677 (7:00-19:00 *24 hours in case of accident or emergency)

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